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A walk-through guide to ace the follow-up prescription.

Of course, as homeopaths, we all know that Hahnemann left us two ground breaking books to teach us homeopathy. Do I need to name them? — The Organon and The Chronic Diseases. And as sure as pizza at a party, you’ll find those two books on the reading list of every student of homeopathy. But…

Auf den Spuren Constantin Herings in Surinam

(My apologies to my non-German speaking readers. I wrote this article years ago in German and haven’t translated it to English yet. For the time being, you can use this link to read a bad machine translation to English.) Ein amerikanischer Homöopath hat einmal zu mir gesagt: „Die Deutschen können stolz darauf sein, einen Samuel…


Water is the stuff life is made of. But that’s only the beginning. Learn more here!

Have yourself some good conflict!

There is one thing that I tended to shy away from, when I started writing. And I suspect that I’m not the only one. In doing so, I deprived myself of a wonderfully creative instrument to advance the plot as well as the development of my characters: CONFLICT!!! Conflict is great! Conflict is cleansing! And…

Wird geladen …

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